No matter what type of insurance claim you are looking to submit, you will certainly want to make sure you get the highest claim amount possible. There is nothing worse than getting an insurance claim payout amount that does not sufficiently cover the costs you will incur to restore your property. This is why it is so important to do everything right in your insurance claim process. The insurance experts at Kend Adjusters specialize in helping our clients get the most out of their insurance claims. In this new blog article the Kend Adjusters team will be sharing 3 tips on how you can get the most out of your insurance claim process.
Calculate A Correct Estimate
The first step to getting the most out of your insurance claim is to calculate a correct estimate. Many insurance policy holders who opt to complete their insurance claim on their own find submit an inaccurate estimate. Not only does this reduce the chance of success for your insurance claim, but it can also leave you severely out of pocket for your repair expenses. Be sure to pay close attention when calculating your estimate and make sure that it accounts for all the costs you will incur to repair your property. If you need help calculating your estimate you can always get in contact with our public adjuster professional at Kend Adjusters.
File Your Claim Correctly
Incorrectly filing your insurance claim is a surefire way to have your claim rejected or to receive a reduced insurance claim payout amount. By closely reviewing your insurance policy you can make sure to file your insurance claim in the way specified by your insurance company. However, if you are new to the insurance claim process it can be very risky to the success of your claim to file it by yourself. This brings us to our third tip for how you can get the most out of your insurance claim.
Hire A Public Adjuster
Hiring a public adjuster is the smartest decision you can make when starting the insurance claim process. Public adjusters can help you through each and every step of your insurance claim. This gives your claim the best chance at success. Public adjusters also help you to achieve the highest insurance claim payout amount possible. In fact, analysis from OPPAGA found that public adjusters achieve a 747% higher claim amount than insurance claims made without a public adjuster! That’s just one of the many reasons you should hire a public adjuster to get the most out of your insurance claim.
Get The Most Out Of Your Insurance Claim With Kend Adjusters
Want to get the most out of your insurance claim? Get in touch with the insurance experts at Kend Adjusters! You can call us on 800-988-3495 or 347-219-1410 to get started on a successful insurance claim process.
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